Palm Hills Golf Club

Thailand > Hua Hin/Cha-Am 8.8 (리뷰 197) Add wishlist
그린피 1,850THB~

상품 정보


18 홀 / 72 파 / 6888 야드
Max Waxler
Opening Year
Distance and travel time from downtown
10 km / 15 min​​
Distance and travel time from the airport
220 km / 190 min
Optional Cart
Not duty use / Available staff 1person / Fairway possible entry ​​​​
없음 ​
가능 / 1000(callaway) THB , 200 THB , 100 THB , ​
Rounding persons per team
Weekday : 4 person / Weekend : 4 person​
Golf Cart , Driving Range , SwimmingPool , Tennis Court , Sauna , Fitness , Putting Green , Pro Shop , Hotel/Resort ​​​​​

Holidays ※Saturdays and Sundays, holidays, Weekend rates applied.

  • 2025-02-12(Wed) / Makha Bucha Holiday
  • 2024-12-31(Tue)~2025-01-01(Wed) / New Year's Eve
  • 2024-12-30(Mon) / Extra Holiday

Course layout

Score Card

Hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Out 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In Total
H.S. 7 13 3 5 9 15 17 11 1 - 2 14 16 12 8 18 10 4 6 - -
Blue 409 508 198 406 369 367 550 177 407 3391 432 160 551 390 382 173 571 420 418 3497 6888
White 379 459 178 379 346 363 509 142 382 3137 406 139 525 356 338 149 550 390 383 3236 6373
Red 314 408 130 323 275 320 439 110 314 2633 365 127 438 309 295 128 511 352 340 2865 5498
Par 4 5 3 4 4 4 5 3 4 36 4 3 5 4 4 3 5 4 4 36 72

위치 정보

  • Cha-am, Cha-am District, Phetchaburi 76120

  • +66 (0)32 527 777